Academy Graduated Published - Mon, Jul 2, 2018
Academy Graduated

I am proud to announce that I got my degree after following 4 years of model drawing at the academy of Sint-Niklaas.

Academy Graduation 2018 Published - Mon, Jun 11, 2018
Academy Graduation 2018

The 2018 annual graduation exposition of the academy of Sint-Niklaas at the Bau-Huis during the weekend of the 9th/10th of June was a great success.

Over 125 students graduated and showed their creative talents in a variety of crafts, materials and mediums in the 3 exposition rooms.

Academy graduation projects 2018 Published - Thu, May 24, 2018
Academy graduation projects 2018

Time goes fast when you are having fun. I am currently in the 4th and last year of the model drawing classes at the academy and I am graduating.

Best wishes for 2018 Published - Mon, Jan 1, 2018
Best wishes for 2018
A happy 2018 … let creativity rule and all your dreams come true. With warm greetings, Steven