The year at the academy is progressing and the collection of new ‘March 2 Infinity’ art is taking shape.

The ‘March 2 Infinity’ art series depicts our world in a future far away. Those who could afford it, enhanced their bodies & minds and fled to the stars eons ago. The offspring of the poor souls left behind are since then scavenging the desolated earth in search of long forgotten technology in an attempt to become gods themselves and join their destiny between the stars.

The old prophecies talk about huge black stones within the landscape that should contain the secrets for a life in the clouds and beyond. Holy stories told for centuries already by the spirits healers & priests of these new religions.
Groups of damaged and broken bodies are since then forever scavenging the lands, in search of hope, between the desolated and ruined remains of what was once human society.

The ‘story’ is still being developed and I am seeing much potential for further story telling.
From a materials point of view I am trying to use a mixture of charcoal drawings and often thin downed oil painting on gessoed board & thick paper. Technique wise I am searching for an expressive tone while still maintaining readability. I experiment on smaller boards but also bigger sized canvas.

I am looking forward to further investigate this artistic path.
Kind Regards,